So much has happened I can barely fit my brain around what to say. My fault for staying away for so long. I would like to say to any of you who read my last post that it has been removed till I can edit it better. Some concern was expressed that the identity of a certain individual might be discovered and that that may cause some trouble for some one I love very much. I personally do not care if people know who said person is, but I do care if that knowledge hurts someone else. At any rate I'll be revisiting and reposting it at some point.
The cancer battles rages and has claimed many I am certain in the last few months. Two that I cared for recently and I miss and think of them often. Their families are part of my Dragonfly family and I treasure those connections as much as any other. To the Grundy and the Roberts families My thoughts and prayers are with you. Lord - I hate this disease! Amen
I have tangled twice in the past 2 weeks with religion in the public forum of Facebook. The first was in response to unthinking snide comments from a friends friend. Just a little back and forth which interestingly ended with a good conversation between this friend and myself. Nothing extraordinary, just noteworthy. The second still has me catching my breath. A close friend of a dearly departed friend with very anti-Christain feelings. With every right and reason to feel that way as it seems almost 100% of his dealings with a card carrying Christian has been of hurtful and even life threatening nature. He has lost friends, due to sexual orientation, in the name of Christianity. My heart is broken. I would not say that we know each other extremely well, but well enough to be able to gage the type of people we are. We fight on the same side of this issue, and I promise I will fight along side him and his for as long as I am able. For me there is no difference between us. My heart is broken because I can not comfort him or anyone else who has faced this. I can not and will not defend those who chose to rage against him and his basic freedoms and rights in the name of Christianity, or worse God. This is not what the God I know and love wants. This is not what the Christianity I know stands for and believes in. It is counter to everything I have been taught about God. I would love the chance to sit down with him and hear his story. I need to hear it so that I am better equipped to go forward and fight for change within the community that I love. I know this is a battle that officially the UC church has already waged and made a stance on. A good and positive one. But like every large group there are those who so strongly appose acceptance that they feel justified in causing hurt and harm in the name of their religion. THIS IS NOT OKAY! NOT NOT NOT. And as I move forward in this life, as a religious person, Christian, United Church Member and hopefully one day leader, I swear that discrimination for any reason is something I commit to pushing for change. What I do find is that in my conversation with him I feel so inarticulate it's painful. I just . . . am . . . lost. So inarticulate!
I find it interesting how for some the relationship between God and religion can not be separated and how for others they have very little to do with each other. I am in the very early stages of my research on this matter but that much is very clear even at this point.
Mother's Day has just past. To those of you who are mothers, I hope your families showed you know how much they love and appreciate you. It was a hard day for us, my Mother - in - law now gone 7 months. Her absence was acutely felt. My dear friend noted that she missed Joyce at my children's birthday last month as well. I think of her often and speak about her with my daughter frequently. Joyce is very much alive inside MIss Mira and I am so grateful for that. It was the day after I lost a client, and I was impossible to please. I must have been awful to be around. To those who had to interact with me that day, I am sorry.
My husband R has agreed to us taking in 2 foster kittens. Lilly and Leila. They are beautiful and creating unique changes and challenges within our home. All for the better I am sure. Brontë is less than impressed, but I figure we all need a shake up now and then. I do hope she settles in again secure in her position in our house. I do love my little peanut butter head, fuzzy face.
Okay I can't now. Feeling so sad this week and I feel like I haven't scratched the surface of it.
Good night my friends