Monday, April 6, 2009


I am, I guess, new to blogging. I aspire to be a writer, but first I need to find I font I am pleased to write in. Ariel will do. Perhaps in colour, or is that newbee ish? Probably.

I am honestly not sure who would read such a thing as some strangers blog, but since I wish to write a blog seems like as good a place as any. I also would like to mention (for the record) that this blog will be of many topics. Whatever happens to be in my head most often. To be frank, when it comes to my own writing it is usually about the inadequacies of, well, me. So original I know, but it's all I have for the time being. You might get some short stories. Ramblings about my kids, husband and friends. I am sure that that is the usual fodder for the bloggosphere.


I am addicted to using parentheses, and am a terrible speller (which you may never have known about due to the the ever vigilant spell check). I write how I think, so you are essentially getting to hear the voice in my head. Her name is Beli. She (the VOB - voice of Beli) isn't always nice. She isn't always funny (though she likes to thinks so). She isn't always clever. However, she never lies, she loves hard, is loyal to those she loves. She does swear, but not (at least in my own estimation) unduly. She does talk about 'unsavory' things that little eyes and sensitive hearts my find difficult. That is the best I can do in regards to content warnings.

VOB is driven by a few sources. I try hard to weed out the ones that aren't me. You know, my Mum, that asshole on the street 8 years ago, the jerks in my pants 27, 15 and 13 years ago. I don't always succeed. But then again, I must ask . . . are you alone in your head all the time? Can you always tell your authentic voice from those that have been recorded in you brain for some strange source of personal torture. Truthfully, it is a rare and evil individual that can inflict more anguish on me than I can on myself. I know I am not alone in this.

I guess that is part of the Bek's Bloggage purpose. To give voice to those in my head who have no right to be there. To force them out of hiding. Anyone read "Eat, Love Pray"? Anyone, anyone? this is my time on the island alone. Time to face the ugly, angry, guilty and dispassionate un-me's.

So please venture forth with me in the spirit in which I go. Share your stories. Share your hugs. All are welcome. (honestly, at least for now).


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