Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Top Down

Okay I'm into day 7 of my vegan cleanse.
I was totally grossed out making up chicken on Father's Day for the BBQ. To, um, familiar I think. Anyway. I am finding it pretty easy, but I think when it is over I may be welcoming sugar (in more controlled quantities) Wheat (when other products are hard to come by) Caffeine (it is not a vice of mine anyway) and Alcohol (again not a vice of mine)

Anyway I also thought it was high time I faced up to the measuring tape too.
And in a fit of insanity I am going to share it with you.

Neck: 15 1/4
L Arm: 14 1/2
R Arm: 14 1/4
Bust: 49
Ribs: 40 1/2
Button: 50
Hips: 53
L Thigh: 32
R Thigh: 31 1/4

Okay Breakfast!