Monday, June 21, 2010

The Brain Runneth Over

My mind is too swirly to be coherent. Lots has happened and I know some of you are eager to hear. Today's secret word is process. Use to play a drinking game or just scream every time you read it. I'm not sure that anyone of you will care about most of this but is is where I tend to muse.

Toronto Conference: Was a bust. I hope to be a part of the Youth program next year to put fire in the bellies. I won't go on about conference, but I could.

First Discernment Meeting: I felt like this was more for those going through the process with me than it is was for me. I'm okay with that. I think it is important that everyone begins the process at as close to the same level of understanding about the process as possible.

More Franchises - A 2nd Cup: Swirly thought mecca tonight. Some of my thoughts that I hope to come back to later once I have had time to process it all a bit more.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Do we set our own goal and pace for change knowing that the others will either catch up, or be left behind forever? Or do we wait to be guided by the leadership and risk fading before any action on the part of the bigger church occurs?

We can not be all things to all people. Although we can be many things to many people. Still we must be decisive in what those things are. (a Canadian issue as well as a UCC one)

The United Church needs to stand UNITED and be decisive in what we stand for and what it means to be from the UCC.

Does the caterpillar even consider for a moment not building a cocoon? To choose that would guarantee death. And even if was an option to not risk the cocoon would mean never having the chance to be the butterfly. To know that you had that potential and ever reach for it. We as the UCC are facing the cocoon phase. Will we risk death to have that chance for flight and beauty beyond our imaginings. Seems crazy yet we stand almost looking backwards at our old way. If the old way were still effective, we wouldn't be here. To resist this time for change is to face certain death, and miss all the potential for what lies beyond.

Kofi Hope: A letter to this amazing man.


Thank you. Today I was in that sea of faces you spoke to. I have been struggling to put voice to many of my concerns about the UCC and it's . . . inconsistencies. You have managed in 90 minutes to give me and many others like me the beginning of a language and a jumping off point for what I hope will be real growth and actual change.

I believe the internal conflict of Canadians and of the UCC is exactly as you stated. Wanting on one hand to be all things to all people, yet knowing on the other hand that is is not only impossible to do so, but also ultimately undesirable. The challenge of defining our boundaries while embracing diversity is a great one, but well worth the effort.

You have given many people pause for thought, but spurred many more into motion. I find it odd in my mid 30's,married with children, to still be considered a young adult in the eyes of the church, but we are tomorrow and if we do not stand up and be confident in our voice now, we may lose what we have to stand up for.

Thank you, thank you
The best to you and all you do. You are making a huge difference.

